Testing your application against a real database and pseudo-real data is quite a challenge. I'm going to show you how to automate the process of creating a test database with its schema and filling it with data, all with tools you might already be familiar with, including Nette Tester and Doctrine 2 along with Doctrine Migrations and Data Fixtures.
Listing data is essentially the most crucial part of websites. Be it products, articles, photos or whatnots, we usually need to provide the user the way to filter and/or sort the data by some preset parameters. I'll show you how to encapsulate such filtering within an object, build a user interface (in other words, a form) upon it, and use it with Kdyby/Doctrine's query objects to actually filter the data on the database level.
I am a full-stack web developer from Brno, Czech Republic. I contribute to open-source projects, write a technical blog, and speak at meetups and conferences.