About me

Hi, I am Jiří Pudil (he/him)

Jiří Pudil's profile photo

In Czech, my name is pronounced /jɪr̝iː/ , but good luck with that voiced alveolar fricative trill. A more informal variant of the name that doesn’t have that sound is /jɪrka/ . If you want to keep it on more formal terms, /jɪriː/ will do.

I started playing with PHP back in 2009 and have been using it professionally since 2012. Over the years, I’ve picked up TypeScript, both client-side with React, and server-side with Node.js. Most recently, I’ve gained some experience with mobile development using Kotlin Multiplatform.

When I’m not currently sipping espressos and punching code, you might find me in a teahouse at a board game table, on a couch with a video game controller, running around on a volleyball court, or making noise on one of my guitars.

I speak Czech natively and English proficiently. I had learned German for seven years but I’ve since forgotten most of the vocabulary. I happen to know some elementary Spanish.


now Ivy Assistant

Late in 2019 I’ve joined Ivy Assistant, a healthcare startup helping guide IVF patients through their journey towards having a baby.

I have taken part in the design and implementation of key parts of the product, including an event-sourced PHP backend, an administrative GUI for the clinics, multiplatform mobile applications, and a robust end-to-end encryption solution in-between.

2022 SuperKoders

In January 2022, I shook hands with Superkoders, a Brno-based digital agency, to help them shape the future of their in-house content management solution.

I was part of many major architectural decisions. I helped bring the codebase up to date with the assistance of static analysis, configured an automated continuous delivery pipeline, and prepared a Docker setup for local development.

2018 Smartlook

In mid-2018 I started working with Smartlook, a Czech startup providing website and mobile app analytics based on visitor recordings.

With PHP being only a small part of the whole cloud-based solution, I also got in touch with React and Node applications written in TypeScript, and I’ve got to know Docker better.

2016 Grifart

Since 2016 I had been helping Grifart, a Brno-based company organizing medicinal congresses, rebuild their attendee registration system so that all the processes that can be automated are automated.

I also worked on several React front-ends, and have helped set up infrastructure components including an Nginx-based reverse proxy server, or a logging server built with the Elastic stack.

2016 Masaryk University

In the middle of 2016, I passed my state exams and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Social Informatics, a programme bridging the gap between IT and social sciences.

I used my thesis as an opportunity to learn React, implementing a single-page chatting app. I integrated Google’s Web Speech API into it so that users could navigate the app, dictate messages and have them read, all without using the keyboard.

2015 Rohlík.cz

Starting mid-2015, I spent a year at Rohlík.cz, a Czech electronic grocery store, at the time dispatching over 1500 orders each day in Czechia’s two largest cities, Prague and Brno.

I worked mostly on day-to-day operations and bugfixes. In addition to the daily routine, I helped migrate the checkout process to ČSOB’s then brand new card payment solution.

2012 PeckaDesign

I started my professional career at PeckaDesign in Brno. I spent the vast majority of my three years there working on Megapixel.cz, a leading Czech e-commerce site for photographers.

I helped rethink and refactor the community gallery code, and implemented an online photolab service, handling large amounts of uploaded files via modern JavaScript (XHR2) and Nginx’s file upload module.

Always giving back to the community

The community has given me so much that it’s only natural that I give back to it whenever I can. I try to help people on Nette forum, write this blog, speak at meetups, and contribute to or even maintain a number of open-source projects.


Brno, Czech Republic